Now Live – 6th Annual Meeting of the European Sepsis Alliance

Update March 23, 2023: The recording is now available, embedded below.

Original article:

We are now live from Brussels:

Join ESA Patron Vytenis Andriukaitis and other high-level speakers for the 6th Annual Meeting of the ESA. This year, we will discuss with policymakers, experts, and sepsis survivors what it takes to integrate sepsis into the broader picture of European health policies. Panelists and participants will reflect on the importance of including sepsis (research, education, awareness, treatment, and patient support) in strategies and initiatives on infection prevention and control, AMR, pandemic preparedness, and patient safety and discuss how European institutions and agencies can support member states.

If you can’t/couldn’t make it live, the recording will be available on the ESA website later this week.

Marvin Zick